4th Scientific Summit on Tobacco Harm Reduction: Novel products, Research & Policy
Event Date: 29-30 September 2021
Location: A virtual event
The 4th Scientific Summit is organised by SCOHRE, the newly established International Association of independent experts on Smoking Control & Harm Reduction, which emerged from the need to step up the efforts towards a new broader approach to smoking control policies.
The 4th Scientific Summit―continuing the works of a very successful virtual 3rd Scientific Summit―will work towards attracting top researchers, clinicians, and scientists from diverse fields, from around the world, to contribute to this year’s event.
The frequency of alternative tobacco product use (e-cigarettes, Heat-not-Burn products, loose leaf, snus, etc.) among smokers and the association with switch and quit attempts is increasing; the scientific community is debating, in the attempt to explain the benefits and the risks associated with these products.
The objectives of the Summit are to offer opportunities for scientists of different countries to:
- Present, discuss, and challenge recent data related to the benefits and the risks associated with alternative tobacco product use (e-cigarettes, Heat-not-Burn products, loose leaf, snus, etc.) among smokers and the association with switch and quit attempts.
- Discuss and debate on scientific, technological, medical, regulatory, legal and policy issues for advancing the technical capacity of the participating countries.
- Provide an environment where regulatory authorities and policy makers may present to the scientific and medical communities their prospective course of action.
The programme will include the following specific topics:
Toxicology and aerosol chemistry || Biomarkers’ evaluation in animal or human studies || Preclinical evaluation || Epidemiology & Social Issues || Clinical Assessment and Harm Reduction || Public Health || Legal & Regulatory issues || Bioethics || Innovation & Novel Products || Smoking cessation || Educational issues in adolescence.