South Africa
Founding Members/Ambassadors

South Africa
Founding Members/Ambassadors

Rataemane Solomon
MD, Professor, Secretary General WAPR 2014-2020, Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital, HOD Psychiatry UFS 1998-2003, (HOD) 2003-2019; Dept of Psychiatry, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University 2003-2019; Chair, Ministerial Advisory Committee on Mental Health, South Africa
Solly Rataemane
Prof. Solomon Tshimong Rataemane is the head of Department of Psychiatry at the University of Limpopo (MEDUNSA CAMPUW in Pretoria). He has special interest in child psychiatry, mood disorders and addiction medicine. He has served as deputy chairperson and chairperson of the Central Drug Authority of South Africa from 1995 to 2005. He is currently involved with UCLA Substance Abuse Program in collaborative research to improve Cognitive Behavior Therapy for counselors at SANCA Clinics in South Africa.
He is a Board member of ICAA (International Council on Alcohol and Addictions) and serves on the Health Committee of the Health Professions of South Africa assisting in physicians’ health management. He is currently the Interim Executive Dean of the Health Sciences Faculty of the University of Limpopo. The current engagements include an effort to develop policy and protocols for management of substance abuse.
He was appointed Deputy Chair of the Medical Research Council of South Africa for the triennium 2007-2010, and also serves third term as member of the Colleges of Psychiatry (2 terms as senator and current three-year term as ordinary member of college of Psychiatry).
He is member of the following organizations:
- South African Society of Psychiatrists
- Health Professions Council of South Africa (Health and Examinations Committees and the Medical and Dental Board)
- International Council on Alcohol and Addictions
- Dr. George Mukhari Hospital (Chief Psychiatrist)
- World Psychiatric Association (Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution Committee)
- World Association for Social Psychiatry
- Colleges of Medicine of South Africa (Member of College of Psychiatry)